I am slowly but getting there. I don't know whether I'm using this blog correctly as it seems I am using it as a diary. It's probably better to get it off my chest, so apologies in advance!
Dear Diary ;)
I am trying my best to take the pressure off and enjoy the motion of uncertainty. Our lives bring us challenges, and although I have taken the time out to take myself on a path that I want, I am forever fighting myself and why I have done this to myself.
Although I am sure of my choices, I am unsure about my path and where I am to end up. I hope it's a place full of colour and happiness.
I have spent a great amount of time in the community with groups of different people. All have given me so much to think about, with a broad range of how we see life. We all see it differently. We all want different things. However, a common trend I have found is that we all want happiness and to feel the urge to belong. We all have questions left unanswered, but that is okay!
So here I am, still asking questions about what I want and want to gain from life. I think that's fine. Let me work this out. There is no rush or pressure from anyone else but myself. I hope to show some of this in my new artwork, as I seem to be experimenting more. A new mixed media page has been added, with further pieces to be added down the line.
For now, stay kind and follow your gut. <3
Jade xoxo
